How does this extension serve you?

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From Google's Chrome
Web Store
Set security level
Set security level
Choose between Low, Mid, and High
Browse the internet
Browse the internet
An alert will be prompted to you once there is a safety threat
Receive notification
Receive notification
Based on your preference of security level
safe domain

This domain is safe.

This domain is a safe domain. You can proceed to the destination safely.

unsafe domain

This domain is potentially unsafe.

This domain is potentially unsafe. We recommend you not to proceed to the destination.

Adjust your preferred security levels when you encounter a potentially unsafe domain:

Low level: a small notification from the browser icon.
Medium level: a system notification from the notification center.
High level: the potentially unsafe page will not be displayed.

low level safety
Action browser notification
medium level safety
System notifications
high level safety
Unsafe pages will not be displayed

In this extension, we integrated Google's Safe Browsing API to provide the functionality of detecting potentially unsafe domains. Like any technology, it's not 100% bulletproof. We are not responsible for Google's assessment of domains.

Changing your default search engine to Yahoo

In order to provide the functionality of Safe Browsing, we require to change your default search engine to Yahoo. You can also change the default search engine to Google or Bing.


Do you have a question for us?

This extension is a free Chrome Web Store extension.

The world wide web is a jungle. We want to make sure that when you navigate the internet, you will not jump into a pitfall. Our extension provides you the necessary and customized security warnings once a potentially unsafe domain is detected.

Essentially, the message is the same: we want to let you know if a domain that you are about to visit is safe or unsafe. The difference lies in the different ways that we let you know. Some users don't like a full-screen notification. Others might miss the notification if it's inside a small notification box on the lower corner. It depends on which type of notifications you'd like to receive.

In order to provide the functionality of Safe Browsing, we require to change your default search engine to Yahoo. You can also change the default search engine to Google or Bing.

In this extension, we integrated Google's Safe Browsing API and receive results of each domain's safety status. Like any technology, the results are not 100% bulletproof. We are not responsible for Google's assessment of domains.